Website translation service

The majority of our translation requests is for marketing, eg: brochures, promotional, sales material and digital marketing.

Translation Quote
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Website translation

We can translate your Website, delivering the translation within the original html files and even upload the files onto your server, changing page and language links and adding a language bar.

We would also translate all meta tags, alt tags and any forms.

All this is included within the translation quote price, when using the translation quote calculator to the right.

Partial or complete website translation?

Instead of translating your entire website you can opt to translate only the core pages.

Some pages are rarely seen by visitors and may not warrant the cost to translate it.

Next step...

You can send us the documents to be translated in word (.doc) or as original source files (.asp, .htm(l), .php, .xml, .js and many more).

Source files versus word document

Sending us the source files is better than copying content into a word document, as this method will not include: page title, description title, alt tags,etc.., which are extremely important in appearing where you want in the Search engine rankings (serps) in your different language.

For most images with text appearing in it, we would need the original file.

Websites with asian characters 中文 and languages displaying right to left عربى

These can be problematic, especially with CSS layout, but has become less of an issue since dynamic content has taken off.

European languages (latin alphabet) and cyrillic (ムムτムミコミクミケ) will use the default UTF-8 charset code, so web designers would only have to deal with text expansion. The majority of languages translated from English will expand in layout size by around 20-30%.

What our recent clients say about our services

SAAB Defence
"Quick at responding with price and turnaround"
Thank you! Exactly what we wanted, thank you for doing it so quickly and getting back to us expediently with a price and turn-around.


UCL University
"Brilliant service and over the weekend"
I wanted to say thank you for getting back to us so quickly and getting it to us over the weekend. It really helped us out.
