Or more accurately French or Dutch, depending on whether it is Northern Belgium which would be Dutch(Flemish) translation or below Brussels which would be Standard French.
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Belgium has two official languages, Flemish and French and is effectively split linguistically by a North/South divide (see map below).
Move the mouse over the map of Belgium, to show which language you will need for your area.
• Our translation service cover specialized subjects such as engineering, law, finance and many other technical texts.
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No. In general the text translated from English to Flemish will expand by about 20%. Conversely, your Flemish to English translation text will contract by around 20%.
Flemish(Dutch) translation
Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen.
French translation
Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité.
English original text
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)