Korean translation service

We respond quickly and accurately to get your Korean document translated the way you want. Getting the correct tone and writing style is important.

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Korean (한국어)

is the official language of both North Korea and South Korea.

There is a slight difference in the Korean used in the North to the South regarding pronunciation, spelling, grammar and vocabulary.

Similar to the Japanese and Vietnamese languages, Korean was influenced by the Chinese language.

Modern Korean is written with spaces between words, a feature not found in Chinese or Japanese.

Countries where Korean is the official or co-official language:

North Korea, South Korea.

Korean characters

Korean is unusual in that it is character based and has an alphabet, with letters combining to form a syllable block, a character. Each character represents roughly one word.

Why use us for your Korean Translation?

• Our translation service cover specialized subjects such as engineering, law, finance and many other technical texts.

• Our low cost infrastructure is passed on to our clients, so we can offer quality translation from 8p per word.

• Use our translation quote calculator to get an instant translation quote for your Korean translation.

What our recent clients say about our services

SAAB Defence
"Quick at responding with price and turnaround"
Thank you! Exactly what we wanted, thank you for doing it so quickly and getting back to us expediently with a price and turn-around.


UCL University
"Brilliant service and over the weekend"
I wanted to say thank you for getting back to us so quickly and getting it to us over the weekend. It really helped us out.


Will your Korean translation be the same amount of text?

No. In general the text translated from English to Korean will expand by about 20%. Conversely, your Korean to English translation text will contract by around 20%.

Korean translation
모든 인류 구성원의 천부의 존엄성과 동등하고 양도할 수 없는 권리를 인정하는 것이 세계의 자유 , 정의 및 평화의 기초이며 ,
English original text
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)