We respond quickly and effectively to your Arabic translation needs. Our Arabic translators are professional linguists performing English to Arabic translation and Arabic to English translation for a range of documents in various industries.
Send us your document info@exigotranslations.com UK 0845 300 9880 Int. 0044 845 300 9880
This is the most widely used for writting in Arabic countries, as Arabic has 27 spoken sub-languages or dialects.
Arabic has been hugely influential on other languages, almost to the same degree that Latin has been to European languages.
"Quick at responding with price and turnaround"
Thank you! Exactly what we wanted, thank you for doing it so quickly and getting back to us expediently with a price and turn-around.
"Brilliant service and over the weekend"
I wanted to say thank you for getting back to us so quickly and getting it to us over the weekend. It really helped us out.
No. In general the text translated from English to Arabic will expand by about 10%. Conversely, your Arabic to English translation text will contract by around 10%.
Arabic translation
リ雇ほ異ほリュリァル リゥルリァリアルルリァ ルル ルル館畏ァリウリェル リァル筋アリァリアリュリ」 リウリァルルリァ リケル韓ャル リッルル異 ルルリカリケリィ ルルリァリケル ルリ」 ルルル館リケル リ鈷ァル緊韓アルリカル ル緊リァルぺケ リァル畏ィルル リッルほ.リ。リァリョルリ・リァ リュル畏アリィ リァル筋カリケリィ2
English original text
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)