We cover a wide range of medical areas and medical terms from anesthesia and dentistry to veterinary medicine and pharmaceutical translation.
Medical translation services are now particularly important because most medical literature is written in English or German.
We cover areas such as:
Send us your document info@exigotranslations.com UK 0845 300 9880 Int. 0044 845 300 9880
Most of the medical translation we provide is translating written diagnosises and prognosises. This can be difficult as not only is the terminology very specialist, but also reports are normally hand-written. Deciphering hand-writing can be difficult at times. We would have to see the document before confirming the price. Most forms, post-discharge instructions, prescriptions and other information is now typed so facilitating the translator in getting it translated faster.
Our translators have a background or degree in their specialised medical field and are therefore well used to the terminology, style and expectations of the delivered translation.
The vast majority of texts we translate regard 'health outcomes'.
Translation is needed throughout the life of a drug, from its clinical research, through its regulatory submissions, to its manufacture, labelling and subsequent selling through advertising/marketing.
Biotech translation
Medical Devices
These tend to be Manuals/Instructions and Safety Updates. Within the EU, the commission has set directives on Labelling Translation requirements which have to be followed if selling/marketing within the EU.
Clinical Research Organisations
"Quick at responding with price and turnaround"
Thank you! Exactly what we wanted, thank you for doing it so quickly and getting back to us expediently with a price and turn-around.
"Brilliant service and over the weekend"
I wanted to say thank you for getting back to us so quickly and getting it to us over the weekend. It really helped us out.
Sentinel Overview
Each charger is equipped with a charger monitor called a Sentinel. The
Sentinel has 3 LED indicators to indicate the status of the battery
connected to the charger.The Sentinel unit is a monitoring device that
needs both a power and data connection, if either are not connected
the unit will not operate correctly.
Caratteristiche del dispositivo Sentinel
Ciascun caricabatterie è dotato di un dispositivo di monitoraggio chiamato
Sentinel. Il Sentinel ha tre spie LED che indicano lo stato della batteria
collegata a quel caricabatterie.Il Sentinel è un dispositivo di monitoraggio
che ha bisogno sia di un collegamento dati sia di un collegamento all'alimentazione
elettrica. Se una di queste due connessioni non è attiva l’unità non
è in grado di funzionare correttamente.