Electrical Engineering translation service

Electrical engineering which deals with the application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism has various disiplines such as: power, electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications.

Electrical engineering can also include electronic engineering, which is seen as including small-scale electronic systems including computers and integrated circuits, where as electrical engineering involves large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control.

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Professional translation

For these reasons, Electrical engineering translation has to be carried out by professional translators (all our translators are MCIL or MITI qualified). They all have not only years of experience translating but also have a degree or background (work experience), not only in engineering, but Electrical engineering.

We only use Qualified Electrical Engineering translators

As there are so many sub-disciplines, all of our translators, as well as being MCIL and MITI qualified, specialise in their particular field/sub-discipline of Electrical engineering. They all have a degree or equivalent background (work experience) in their particular field and are experts with regards to this translation. They will, as a minimum have translated for 5 years within this area and have built up a vast experience of translating technical terms as well as a database/glossary of terms used within the industry. Some of our translators use CAT tools (translation memory tools), so they will have built a large bank of glossaries of technical terms.

What our recent clients say about our services

SAAB Defence
"Quick at responding with price and turnaround"
Thank you! Exactly what we wanted, thank you for doing it so quickly and getting back to us expediently with a price and turn-around.


UCL University
"Brilliant service and over the weekend"
I wanted to say thank you for getting back to us so quickly and getting it to us over the weekend. It really helped us out.


Typical format of electrical engineering texts/translations

Most of our engineering clients that need translations, send us the texts in Word format, with delivery in word. Although we have also delivered in various different formats apart from word, including flow charts, pdf documents and lastly websites.




flow charts

There is no extra charge for delivering in a different format, like flow charts, pdf or html for websites. Pdf documents are normally converted to word documents (using software like Omnipage Ultimate); flow charts normally have to be created from scratch and delivering in html for websites is normally preferred by us as we can embedd the translation directly into the code, translating all meta tags, alt tags and forms. This means everything is ready there and then to be uploaded onto the server and ready for publication. Thereby decreasing the time the website is in transition and more importantly decreasing the expense of a web designer.

Industrial Translation by professional translators

Apart from being MCIL and MITI qualified; over the years spent translating, our translators have built up glossaries of complex terms. The majority of them use CAT (Computer aided translation) tools which can increase consistency with technical terms if there is a lot of repetition. Whilst these tools help with the speed of translating they can never substitute a qualified translator, which will ensure a perfect translation.

Electrical Engineering translation example

Sentinel Overview
Each charger is equipped with a charger monitor called a Sentinel. The Sentinel has 3 LED indicators to indicate the status of the battery connected to the charger.The Sentinel unit is a monitoring device that needs both a power and data connection, if either are not connected the unit will not operate correctly.
Caratteristiche del dispositivo Sentinel
Ciascun caricabatterie è dotato di un dispositivo di monitoraggio chiamato Sentinel. Il Sentinel ha tre spie LED che indicano lo stato della batteria collegata a quel caricabatterie.Il Sentinel è un dispositivo di monitoraggio che ha bisogno sia di un collegamento dati sia di un collegamento all'alimentazione elettrica. Se una di queste due connessioni non è attiva l’unità non è in grado di funzionare correttamente.