We respond quickly and effectively to your Greek translation needs. Our Greek translators are professional linguists performing English to Greek translation and Greek to English translation for a range of documents in various industries.
Send us your document info@exigotranslations.com UK 0845 300 9880 Int. 0044 845 300 9880
Modern Greek is used in commerce and government, where as Ancient Greek (although just understood) is used in studying Greek history.
Greek words have had a major impact on Latin based languages, lending a lot of words, like: democracy, philosophy and forms with Latin words a lot of international scientific and technical words.
Countries where Greek is the official or co-official language:
Cyprus, Greece.
• Our translation service cover specialized subjects such as engineering, law, finance and many other technical texts.
• Our low cost infrastructure is passed on to our clients, so we can offer quality translation from 8p per word.
• Use our translation quote calculator to get an instant translation quote for your Greek translation.
No. In general the text translated from English to Greek will expand by about 20%. Conversely, your Greek to English translation text will contract by around 20%.
Greek translation
眇火サホソホケ ホソホケ ホャホスホクマアマ珂ホソホケ ホウホオホスホスホソマ済ホアホケ ホオホサホオマ歳クホオマアホソホケ マーホアホケ ホッマπソホケ マρホキホス ホアホセホケホソママアホュマホオホケホア マーホアホケ マホア ホエホケマーホアホケマ斜シホアマホア. ホ偏ッホスホアホケ ママアホソホケマーホケマπシホュホスホソホケ ホシホオ ホサホソホウホケマーホョ マーホアホケ マρホスホオホッホエホキマπキ, マーホアホケ ホソマホオホッホサホソマホス ホスホア マρホシマホオマアホケマホュマアホソホスマホアホケ ホシホオマホアホセマ マホソママ ホシホオ マホスホオマ歳シホア ホアホエホオホサマホソマρ歳スホキマ.
English original text
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)